Hoteliers, as well as Hospital/Assisted Living Facility administrators, want to provide guests with a TV service that is easy for guests to use and gives them an experience that meets or exceeds the quality of their at-home TV offerings. A good entertainment experience can play an important role in satisfying guests and winning their repeat visits.
Today’s hotel guests expect a high volume of digital and HD programing with an interactive program guide. Content providers want to provide that programming, but they need to protect their content as well.
Specifically tailored for the hospitality industry, Pro:Idiom TVs include the encryption technology designed to protect digital video content from being pirated by users. This technology was adopted by Samsung and LG for their Hospitality TVs. It allows a central decoder in a hotel to decrypt video from a headend or satellite feed and re-encode it for secure delivery to TVs in each room. This eliminates the need for individual set-top boxes in each room while allowing content across hundreds of in-room TVs to be managed from a central location. This allows your television content management to run more efficiently.
Content protection was not an issue when hotel television systems all used analog; but the movement towards high-definition all-digital programming caused the need for content providers to protect their signal by requiring digital rights management. Content providers like HBO, SHOWTIME, ABC, CBS and other TV and movie channels require hotels to have an encrypted signal going to the TVs in each room to protect their content from piracy.
Pro;Idiom TVs specifically made for hotels provide the ability to lock-out guests from accessing and altering the TV settings. They also include a volume limiter which prevents guests from causing noise disturbances.
If you have questions about the benefits of hospitality TVs over standard commercial or consumer TVs for your hotel, hospital, or assisted-living facility, please contact us at 877-307-6677 or email